Marco Mercuri

Phd Student

Curriculum IBET – “Ingegneria Biomedica, Elettronica e delle Telecomunicazioni” – XXXV° ciclo

Capsule Bio

Marco Mercuri gained the Bachelor in Electronic Engineering with a thesis on “Development of communication modules for home automation system simulation systems on Open Web Net protocol” and the Master’s degree (cum laude) in Electronic Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Marche (Italy) with a master thesis on “Implementation of mesh architecture and Beacon functionality on Bluetooth networks”.
Since November 2019 he is PhD fellow in Electronic Engineering at UNIVPM. 

Research Areas:

His current research interests include study, implementation and performance analysis of Bluetooth Mesh architectures for IoT applications based on Bluetooth 5 protocols and later versions. ” 



Office Phone: +39 071 2204128

Room: Q165_208
