Michele Paoletti

Phd Student

Curriculum IBET – “Ingegneria Biomedica, Elettronica e delle Telecomunicazioni” XXXIV* ciclo

Capsule Bio

Michele Paoletti, born in Fermo (FM), gained the first level degree in Informatics and Automation Engineering from Università Politecnica delle Marche (thesis: development of a dimmer for lights with touch activation, using an ARM microcontroller) and the Master Engineering degree in Electronics from Università Politecnica delle Marche (thesis: development of a platform for the flexion-relaxation phenomenon analysis through a wireless body sensor network solution). Since November 2018 he is PhD fellow in Electronic Engineering at UNIVPM. During his studies he also worked as a lifeguard and waiter.

Research Areas:

Data acquisition, signal processing, sensors, wireless sensor network, earthquake early warning

Email: m.paoletti@pm.univpm.it

Office Phone: +39 071 2204128

Room: Q165_208
