Nicolò Ciuccoli

Research Fellow

Capsule Bio

Nicolò Ciuccoli received the M.S. degree in “Computer and Automation Engineering” cum laude in 2015 from Università Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona, Italy), and the Ph.D. degree in “Automation, Information and Management Engineering” from the same university in 2019 with a thesis titled “Intelligent systems for the exploration of structured and complex environments”. In July 2016, he participated to the Student Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Challenge – Europe (SAUC-E) in La Spezia, Italy, at the NATO Undersea Research Centre (NURC), where the submitted bio-inspired project won the Innovation Award. During his PhD, he was hosted at the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University where he worked with the Marine Biology research group. During his fellowship he was involved in teaching support activities in: “Modeling and Identification of Dynamic Process”, “Control System Design”; and “Laboratory of Mechatronics”.

Research Areas:

His main research activities include navigation, guidance and control of autonomous vehicles, health sensors for diver and industrial systems. During his research he was involved in the European Projects “Green Bubble”, “Lab4Dive” and “Divesafe.”


Office Phone: +39 071 2204383

Room: Q170_034
